1 year post breakup

I used to linger in this sub about a year ago when my girlfriend first left me. Wouldn’t really post much, just liked to empathize with people who were going through a similar situation. Best decision I made was going no contact for sure. It was hard at first, and I never had to balls to completely unfollow her or her family, so I just had them all muted. Time passed and everything seemed to turn out all right. The world didn’t end, and I’ve had so many new and exciting experiences since. I guess the only reason I’m writing this is because her name popped up on my phone again after a very long time, and I’m feeling a bit nostalgic. Not feeling too bad, but maybe a slight melancholy. It will pass. Whenever I used to feel like this, I found it helpful to remind myself that no matter how she tries to check up on me, it will make no difference because she is actively refusing to be a part of my life. She makes that decision to not speak to me every day. That’s really all you need for closure. Hope these late night ramblings are of use to someone going through it right now. Trust in your future, and let time do its thing.