Housewives Reunion Seating Scoreboard (seating charts included)
Hello everybody and happy new year! 🎉 (I've had this in the drafts since December 31). This is the seating chart scoreboard that I mentioned here.
One of my favorite things to talk about in Housewives culture is reunion seating. Some people may say where the cast sits doesn't matter, but I think it's interesting. One day I got bored and made this Google Sheet keeping track of where all the Housewives were placed for every reunion in every series. Later on, I decided to create a scoreboard based on how many times a cast member sat wherever on the couch.
Here's how scoring works:
- First chair is worth 3 points each.
- Second chair is worth 2 points each.
- Third chair is worth 1 point each.
- Fourth chair is worth .5 points each.
- Any guest/Friend invitations are were .25 points each.
- These points are only awarded if the attendee was billed as a Friend Of for that season and/or she was not present from the very beginning of the reunion. Lauri (OC, Season 4) and Kim (ATL, Season 5) are the particular cases of this that stand out to me, but it also extends to any Housewife that I neglected/forgot to name.
I currently have the sheet sorted to where the Housewives are arranged from highest to lowest points first, and by series order second (i.e. Orange County first, Dubai last).
UPDATE 1: I had to come back and do a lot of revising because my whole post didn't go up properly...
Points were not awarded for the following reunions:
- RHOC S1-3: These reunions were pre-existent to the current reunion format that we know today to be RH reunion. (The first one took place in Vicki's backyard with no Andy... of course it wouldn't count).
- RHONY S12: Though it was in person, this reunion was set up in respect to COVID precautions.
- RHONY S13: This reunion was infamously cancelled.
- RHOA S12: This reunion was taped at the beginning of the pandemic, so they were on Zoom.
- RHOBH S10: Same as RHOA above.
- RHONJ S14: They weren't given a traditional reunion.
About Friends & guests:
Friends/guests-turned-Housewives (and vice versa) were awarded points for their appearances at the reunion. However, this only applies to those who have officially promoted to the main cast. Marlo Hampton of Atlanta S14 is an example of this. Jacqueline Blake from Potomac would serve as the inverse example. She is not on the chart because she never has been a flute-holder.
Just for fun!:
I made predictions for the currently airing seasons for their reunion seating. I also made charts for how I think the first three UGT reunions would have been seated if they had any.
Final comments:
I hope y'all enjoy this little nerd project that I made! Don't hesitate to share your thoughts.
I made a similar graphic for the Married to Medicine cast so let me know if y'all want to see that one too.
Let me know if there's anything wrong with the chart so I can correct it.
(I'm still pressed that my whole post didn't upload the way I wanted it...)
Further updates:
- Update 2: per u/chilaa's suggestion, I added average scores for the Housewives according to their appearances at the reunion.