Brant feedback suggestions !
Since there is currently a lot of discussions going around about Brant's kit, I felt it would be a nice idea to basically put everything in a single post so that people can formulate their thoughts when they do decide to leave a feedback. This is basically listing all the things that people feel need improvement and put a low/medium/high rating on them depending on how many complaints/discussions I've seen about it.
Of course, this is is not a guideline of "just send this" or "you have to care about this issue".Look at the discussions about these issues for yourself, decide which issues you feel are worth mentioning (if you feel like they're worth mentioning in the first place) and go from there. Me rating one issue low does NOT mean the issue is not significant, just that's is an issue that I've seen very few discussions about, which could just mean it needs to be discussed more ! And vice-versa, "high" just means there is a fair amount of discussion about it, not that you should necessarily see it as a major issue yourself ! Feel free to reply to this post so I can add issues I might have missed. Hope it helps !
Brant's issues/things that could be improved on.
Base kit
- Short duration on his Aflame state(a.k.a buffed state after casting his resonance liberation) (low)
- Short duration on his signature weapon's passive buff (medium)
- 280 capped ER conversion, tied to 250 ER requirement on echo set. Rating on this issue puts into consideration all the aspects that are tied to it, namely, high Liberation cost, limited weapon selection, lack of built-in ER stats in base kit etc, and how it affects external factors, like echo building (high)
- Tight quickswap windows (low)
- Most of the swap windows leave the next resonator airborne (medium)
- Air basic attacks consume stamina, which can limit dodge potential (medium)
- Short invincibility on his air dodge + requirement to do an extra air basic to reset it (\_hope\_you\_gave\_a\_feedback\_about\_brants/ for more details) (high)
- Resistance to interruption being unreliable (See link above for more details) (medium)
- Restricted area of effect on his forte enhanced skill (can cause it to miss) (medium)
- Ground dodge counter is uncancellable/ Brant, under certain circumstances, perform his ground dodge counter while airborne (\_unable\_to\_dodge\_during\_his\_counter\_attack/?share\_id=Lqy2bLVLkz7\_\_7eE22flA&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1 For more discussions about it)(medium)
- No visual indicator for Aflame, aside from the mask, which is usually not visible during combat.(medium)
- After Brant uses Liberation, camera centers on him while he is up in the air, and therefore the enemy is no visible ( for more details)(medium)