We should stop speculating about "devs tweaking his kit's requirements, so casual players don't pull for him". (SPOILERS FOR 2.1)
Yes, they did him incredibly dirty. Again, new male character, that's been released not in 1.0, but in filler patch, in second half of it.
And to make this matter even worse, in new permanent story event, he got only 5 minutes of screentime. We'll get his companion quest, which is basic requirement for a limited 5* to have. I just hope they don't lock it up under a version event, like they did with XLY.
But enough of that, i'm here to talk about his kit. I've seen numerous times people be venting about his kit "being to hard to complete, as if devs don't want us play with him."
The requirements are:
• His signa. You CANNOT utilize 100% of his potential of his kit without it. EoG is not that good, as a replacement. The 4* analog of his signa, Overture, only has 51% ER & 331 ATK flat. Which is very sad to have.
• 250-280%. Most optimal option is that you build two ER 3Cost pieces. But if you need maximum of his damage output, you build one ER piece in pair with Fusion piece.
Hence, it creates a dillema: in order to grab all of his additional ATK from 280%, you need to have:
77% (Unflickering Valor) + 10% (TC Set 2 piece bonus) + 32% (one ER echo) + 62% (12.4(MAXIMUM ROLL) in each of 5 echoes) = 181%+100(base ER).
You need to have max roll ER (one of the rarest sub-stats on each piece) AND double crit (two additional rarest substats) to truly minmax him.
Crazy, isn't it? But to me, it's kinda fair to have such requirements on such character:
• he can deal damage. A good chunk of it.
• Healing & shielding from his Forte.
• fucking flies through the entire arena.
• throws boggars at ya.
• again, he can deal good amount of damage. I expect him to overpower Calcharo, in terms of solo damage.
• Anchor.
• Fusion & Skill DMG amplification from Outro.
He's literally the most versatile character in this game. The only schtick he CAN'T do is enhanced Vibration Strenght depletion. The amount of roles he can do on-field directly correlates to his requirements.
Yes, they did him incredibly dirty. Again, new male character, that's been released not in 1.0, but in filler patch, in second half of it.
And to make this matter even worse, in new permanent story event, he got only 5 minutes of screentime. We'll get his companion quest, which is basic requirement for a limited 5* to have. I just hope they don't lock it up under a version event, like they did with XLY.
But enough of that, i'm here to talk about his kit. I've seen numerous times people be venting about his kit "being to hard to complete, as if devs don't want us play with him."
The requirements are:
• His signa. You CANNOT utilize 100% of his potential of his kit without it. EoG is not that good, as a replacement. The 4* analog of his signa, Overture, only has 51% ER & 331 ATK flat. Which is very sad to have.
• 250-280%. Most optimal option is that you build two ER 3Cost pieces. But if you need maximum of his damage output, you build one ER piece in pair with Fusion piece.
Hence, it creates a dillema: in order to grab all of his additional ATK from 280%, you need to have:
77% (Unflickering Valor) + 10% (TC Set 2 piece bonus) + 32% (one ER echo) + 62% (12.4(MAXIMUM ROLL) in each of 5 echoes) = 181%+100(base ER).
You need to have max roll ER (one of the rarest sub-stats on each piece) AND double crit (two additional rarest substats) to truly minmax him.
Crazy, isn't it? But to me, it's kinda fair to have such requirements on such character:
• he can deal damage. A good chunk of it.
• Healing & shielding from his Forte.
• fucking flies through the entire arena.
• throws boggars at ya.
• again, he can deal good amount of damage. I expect him to overpower Calcharo, in terms of solo damage.
• Anchor.
• Fusion & Skill DMG amplification from Outro.
He's literally the most versatile character in this game. The only schtick he CAN'T do is enhanced Vibration Strenght depletion. The amount of roles he can do on-field directly correlates to his requirements.