Hot take (I think): I think Erislanda Lara could beats Terrence Crawford is Bud goes to 160.
I’ve not seen a single take here about Lara vs Bud but I feel like mane would just pick Bud out of resume and success but Lara imo poses a huge threat for Bud.
Lara would post serious problems for Bud. He has one of the best jabs in boxing and easily the most underrated jab in boxing, in orthodox and southpaw, he moves extremely well and has great defence. Bud likes to fight at range, use jabs and play as a counterpuncher yet he fundamentally responsible. At range, Lara has by far a better jab regardless what stance Bud is in, he’s much more of a guy who moves around the ring on the back foot and will force Bud on the front foot which is always what Bud doesn’t want. Even if Lara gets overconfident, gets some combos off and gets countered a few times and dropped, he’ll just run the entire fight and no way Bud is like that to just effectively cut the ring is basically no one else can and guys who are better at cutting the ring then Bud is can’t.