healthy outlets for aggressive behaviour

I have been struggling a lot lately with really intense emotions, especially anger. When I’m feeling these things, I have a really strong desire to be aggressive and destructive. Engaging in these behaviours have a lot of negative consequences, but not engaging in these behaviours leads to an escalation of the intense mood, which continues the downward spiral… also leading to negative consequences. I’m in a long term relationship and this has been a problem lately. Thankfully my partner is incredibly patient and loving. I don’t want to treat him like a punching bag, but I think sometimes I do.

I’m wondering if anyone has any advice about how I can engage in these behaviours but in appropriate and healthy ways. If there is anything I can buy that I can destroy. TIPP skills are ones that usually work for me, particularly the temperature but lately they haven’t been effective which has been concerning. Is there anything I might be able to ask to my partner to do which might disrupt the downward spiral?

I live in an apartment, so screaming into a pillow doesn’t really work. When I’m experiencing such intense emotions, stopping to journal, or 5-4-3-2-1, or boxed breathing doesn’t help.

I hope this makes sense. I would appreciate any and all advice💛