Boomer tellers me "fuck you" today.

I am a meat cutter for Costco in San Diego. I have been here 16 years. I could fill volumes with the stories of rude, entitled or otherwise unsurly customers, particularly those who stray into the gray demographic, but this incident happened moments ago.

I am outside, enjoying some music in my car while on lunch. Enter, boomer lady. She puts her things away into her trunk in the car beside mine. After she finished, she pushes her cart next to the motorcycle parked in the spot opposite of hers. I quipped "did you know that's not the cart return?" She fixs a scowl upon her face and says one of the nastiest "fuck yous" I've heard uttered in quite some time. I got out and made sure to return the cart to its proper location, a mere 5 spaces down, so she could hopefully see me do it in her rearview mirror.

Disgusting. It's not a major infraction, but the attitude speaks volumes.