Librarius Conclave question - Heresy
SOLVED- Answer was the Errata from July stating
"If your army includes one or more Black Templars units, it cannot include any Adeptus Astartes Psyker models"
Thanks for the assist folks
Hey folks,
Got some heresy to consider here, i know people have probably thought the Librarian detatchment
but correct me if im wrong and please punch holes in this if you can, Righteous Crusade is the only thing restricting our unit usage.
so rules as written we should be able to then run Librarians in that detatchment with sword brethren leading them (due to the Attached Unit rule with intercessors)
this needs to be FAQ'd/Errata'd out of existence yes? no way this sort of list would be legal
otherwise i can see 3 x 10 sword brethren being led by a regular Librarian which would mean 4+ invuln, one having advance and charge. another group being un-overwatchable as well as another one having 5+ anti monster/veh with 4 hand flamers and plas pistols and a combi wep.