My first tabletop game and my Templars brought me a win
I played my first game today with my black Templars vs Imperial guard at my LGS. I’ve been dipping my toes into the hobby for a long time I like building but I’m honestly kinda scared to paint. I like learning about the rules but didn’t have people to play with. And I just love the lore and memes in general.
But I bit the bullet got involved in my local Discord got a game set in my LGS. My opponent was a nice dude and was really patient and helped me out with learning the rules, and in’s and outs but without taking it to easy on me.
I figured I wasn’t going to win since it was my first game and most people say get used to losing. But I lucked out on my last 2 set of secondary’s and he underestimated my sword bro bomb. So without really paying attention I ended up with a victory by one point.
All that to say I’m hooked, rolling dice and moving little guys was a great time and I’m gonna commit to it as my new hobby I think, start learning to paint and getting in games when I can maybe checking the local tourney scene.
Just wanted to say praise the Emperor for allowing this neophyte a glimpse into the future as a battle brother.