I need the herniated disc, sciatica and Degenerative Disc Disease bio hack PLEASE

How do I have the most comfortable life with a horrible back? Probably going to need some type of surgery soon.

  • 44 male, 5'9", 160 pounds
  • Healthy diet, no alcohol
  • Active lifestyle (until recently)

Got the Xray Sept when I was having a little sciatica right leg at night and was still very active. Got MRI Dec, went to PT and could barely move after a few weeks, sciatica both legs, can't sit. Still recovering from this big flare up. Right now the only workout I'm getting is 8,000 steps spread out the day and then laying in between, can't do much else.

Current Xray, MRI and CT scan results - L4-L5 herniated pinching my spinal cord - L4-L5 bone spurs - L5-S1 crushed - L5 slipped - L3-L4 not looking great but hanging in - Degenerative Disc Disease

My 1st surgeon said a double fusion (with future fusions) and my 2nd opinion surgeon said almost the opposite; Epidural Steroid Injections and if they didn't work less invasive Lumbar Laminectomy. Both surgeons said no vitamins or anything else will with help Degenerative Disc Disease. Getting a 3rd and 4th opinion this week.

‐-‐------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE: 3rd opinion this morning (1/20) Surgeon more or less suggested the same as 1st surgeon - double fusion. Said I wasn't a candidate for ADD because my past surgery and arthritis (Degenerative Disc Disease)

4th opinion this afternoon (1/20) Saw my primary care physician. He thinks it's too early to think about surgery. Gave me 6 days of steroids (Prednisone 20 Mg) and suggested the Epidural Steroid Injections. Gave me a referral for his most highly recommended neurosurgeon. (Didn't mention above the other surgeons were orthopedic surgeons) Obviously, he's not a spine specialist either, but he knows the industry and isn't profiting off the surgery. He told me surgeons always wanna cut everyone right away.

So now I might be even more confused...