Overmethylation? Help

So the past few months have been very rough for me, I randomly had a bout of super low blood sugar in which I got incredibly dizzy and had to go the ER and from then I had reactive hypoglycaemia where I was in and out of hospital for a month. Once that past I had insomnia where I didn’t sleep apart from moments for two weeks and continued on from there my sleep still is disturbed and not going back to normal. The past few weeks my nervous system feels broken, when I walk in public I have to hold my chest and my heart feels faint all the time, I have anxiety and panic attacks and I can’t settle ever.

I think this is due to overmethylation.

I was taking 1500mcg daily of dual methyl B12, 500mg TMG/betaine, B1, 400 mcg methyl folate, 15mg p5p/b6, amongst a host of other supplements.

I was taking these because I was told I was an under methylator, my symptoms did align, I saw improvements when I took antihistamines, I felt derealized a lot, triggered nervous system but in a different way and panic attacks, chronic fatigue, ocd tendencies.

Now it seems after a few months of these supplements I’ve pushed myself in the other direction.

This is horrendous because I feel like I’m having a heart attack everyday and I’m constantly in the ER. I don’t really wanna take anything but I took a bit of aspirin and niacin and that helped a bit.

I’ve had a lot of bloods and things done, the only abnormalities being Total white cell count: 4.20 109/L, which is on the low end of the range. Lymphocyte count: 0.85 109/L. The range starts at 1.5 so a bit under & active B12 which is off the range at >128 pmol/l(it doesn’t go any higher) but I was taking the B12 supplement at the time so it makes sense it would be elevated then right? Perhaps if I took it again now it would give a more accurate reading.

So it’s not a good situation for me, I’ve read a lot of stuff about people saying they took methylated b vitamins for a short period then got similar symptoms that aren’t fixed years later, I don’t wanna be in that position because this is crippling.

I know niacin and glycine are supposed to help, does anyone else have any ideas on this predicament or anything that could help? Also my DIA is pretty much always elevated too not sure if that’s relevant