Cold turkey after 20 years

I just got outta the hospital for xanax withdrawal..they acted like they don't know what it is or how to treat it besides to give me a xanax. I've been taking 2 mg of xanax for 20 years and lately started noticing memory issues that have had me worried and wanted to get off...I've tried to quit cold turkey b4 but always go bakk after 7 to 10 days as the withdrawals turn horribly bad..hallucinations,blood pressure spikes,seizures,disassociating,tremors,loss of vision, and in general my brain just not communicating with my body....this time I quit I lasted 8 days b4 I ended up in the hospital with what we all thought were symptoms of a stroke with blood pressure reading of 210/105....they ended up giving me a xanax and discharging me bc they can't treat it . One hour later everything started to slowly go back to normal,but now I'm right back where I after reading medical papers all night I decided to slowly taper off but need advise on how fast I can move down without dying....