Surprised during my DURGE play through.

So, this is my first Durge play-through. I did not do any research about this going in and did my best to avoid content involving the Durge (so far. Things happen here and there) and I didn't kill Isobel when prompted to resulting in what looks like a breakdown of the NEED to murder and wasn't intending on romancing anyone but it landed on our beloved vampire spawn. I was so scared that I was going to be forced to kill him but no, there was an option to wake him and so I did.

I was NOT ready for him to be understanding and help out my DURGE through this breakdown. I was so scared that he was going to cut off the relationship and leave the party. No, that didn't happen. They are still going strong until it comes down to learning that my Tav is a child of Bhaal. He ended up okay with it