Looking for friends in multiplayer. Anyone down?
So my gf got me into this game. It’s the first introduction into the series for me other than neverwinter. But me and my girl can’t always play because of life. So I’m looking for long/occasional friends to join and play with when I’m not working, playing with my girl or the entire group is free( obviously you have your own life as well so it’ll be when we are all free ).
Im on psn. So anyone that’s wants to play would have to have a PlayStation( unless it’s cross platform/play ). My psn is “Random-Interest”. The “l” is a capitalized “i”.
If you are interested I’m wanting to be a wizard/necromancer( already looked into building it because of a previous Reddit poster ).
Hopefully play style is neutral evil. Meaning we play like asswholes, but not to much so that we lose out on content and gear possibilities. Also all laughs that’s the most important well fun to.
If you are interested dm me on Reddit or message me and me on psn.
Tyvm to anyone interested.
P.s: it’s still kinda my first play through so bear with me.