nttv girls on zeus

bringing nttv girls to baddies is literally one of the worst things zeus could’ve done. apart from DTB & possibly ivory, nttv do not need to be on zeus.

it’s completely unnecessary and ET was the perfect example for that because either them girls are wayyy too ghetto & lowlife or they blend well with the zeus girls.

im ngl when they announced ivory coming to zeus i was lowkey annoyed because why couldn’t she be left on nttv but tbh she’s not so bad. however, now people are pushing it talking about bringing billy to the show. she is absolutely NOT a baddie and is just way too much and this is exactly why baddies reaches a new low as the seasons progress. bring in new girls instead of bringing nttv girls to zeus because it’s a “better platform” .

do you guys think more nttv girls should come to zeus or just stay where they are?