Technologies In Back To The Future 2 that we still dont currently have in 2025
As of 2025 we do have a few stuff from the film such as Smart Watches, Video calling (Mobile video chats, online video chats, Google video chats, streaming video chats etc), digital currency (debit cards), security scanners. All still basic level technologies.
But there are many things we still dont have like of course the obvious one is Flying Cars, but we don't have hover boards, self lacing shoes, clothing that generates that fits your body size with a button on clothes, drying your clothes with a button that dries your clothes in a few seconds, a robotic dog walker, a hydration pizza 🍕 oven that you put a tiny pizza smaller then your hand then cooks the pizza in 3 seconds and expands it.
As of 2025 we do have a few stuff from the film such as Smart Watches, Video calling (Mobile video chats, online video chats, Google video chats, streaming video chats etc), digital currency (debit cards), security scanners. All still basic level technologies.
But there are many things we still dont have like of course the obvious one is Flying Cars, but we don't have hover boards, self lacing shoes, clothing that generates that fits your body size with a button on clothes, drying your clothes with a button that dries your clothes in a few seconds, a robotic dog walker, a hydration pizza 🍕 oven that you put a tiny pizza smaller then your hand then cooks the pizza in 3 seconds and expands it.