Those in the final stretch - checking in!
How’s everyone doing out there?? My due date is 2/5 and I’m ready y’all.
I just left my 37 week appointment and I’m feeling the anticipation rising! For those of you with no chill that do cervical checks just to have the info even though they mean nothing, drop your stats:
I’m currently 2 centimeters dilated and 60% effaced! Baby is head down and ready to go. I think I lost my mucus plug but no real contractions, just lots of BH and lightning crotch…
Share your last minute prep tips! I’ve made a freezer full of food, assigned my husband the miscellaneous hospital tasks and done the hospital tour and dry run, washed and folded clothes, etc. I’m planning to make and freeze these cookies from Molly Baz:
Can’t wait to hold her in my arms!