When did it start to feel real?

24w FTM. I have had a very symptomatic pregnancy, gotten multiple ultrasounds, know my baby’s gender and name, and have planned my whole future around being a SAHM when she arrives. She’s moving all the time lately, so it’s like I know she’s in there and growing and thriving.

There’s this crazy mental block though. Like I talk to her, but it feels like I’m talking to a hypothetical. We set her crib up to make sure it fit in our room and I just walked past it, put my hands on my belly, and thought, “You’re gonna be in there in a few months!” And still I just felt like I was thinking that into a void with no real tangible recipient of that thought.

With your first, when did the reality of having a baby and making a whole human that will eventually exist outside of your body set in?