Antenatal Depression Positive Story

I’m writing this because I couldn’t find many resources on hopeful stories about antenatal depression whilst pregnant, so I’d like to add mine to the mix.

My pregnant was one of the darkest times of my life, despite having a very wanted pregnancy. I thought when I got pregnant I’d instantly feel connected to my baby… nope. I hated being pregnant, it embarrassed/irritated me when people brought it up, and I NEVER bonded with my baby in utero. In fact, I repeatedly begged my partner to let us give him up for adoption. It was EXTREMELY out of character.

On top of my feelings, I went from weight lifting and training for a triathlon to being largely sedentary due to nausea. I, an active, outdoorsy extrovert, truly became a shell of myself during pregnancy. I thought this was a taste of how motherhood would effect me and was convinced I’d have crippling PPA/PDD.

Let me tell you, the SECOND my baby was born I was healed. I felt like the fog had been lifted and I was finally myself again. The 12 weeks since I gave birth have truly been the happiest of my life, with all of the depression just a distant memory. My energy has returned, my positive outlook is back, and I am LOVING motherhood.

Not to say this will be everyone’s case, but since giving birth and researching I’ve seen more stories like mine and wanted to add to the pool!