To the absolute scum bag that dumped this little guy in the woods in freezing temperatures, there's a special place in hell for you

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/dolphinsareolives posting in r/hamsters

Concluded as per OOP

1 update - Short

Original - 20th January 2025

Update - 21st January 2025

To the absolute scum bag that dumped this little guy in the woods in freezing temperatures, there's a special place in hell for you

Found it curled up in a coconut ball with soaking wet bedding 😭 cried all the way home with him

Brought the little guy home and I'm keeping him/her (don't want to pick it up to check the sex as I want it to just be warm and safe and calm for now)

Thankfully for the hamster, I have had plenty of them before. I haven't had one for a couple of years as I got to sad whenever they died 🥺 but I guess I have another one now

Name suggestions needed, and any advice on care, as I've been out the game for a while and mostly had Syrians, not dwarfs!

Ps: dog in the photo obviously didn't get to it, he was just sniffing


Dog sniffing bags



my heart. I can't believe someone would do something like that. i would cry nonstop too. thank you thank you thank you for saving this tiny creature ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

OOP: I posted it on a local Facebook page, and according to comments, the bag he was in had been out there at least since Thursday or Friday. My heart is so broken for him. I'm so glad I thought to check


god. I understand how people don't think to just look into random bags but this definitely changes how I will react from now on. thank you for investigating. you're a hero. you're absolutely everything to this tiny creature now

OOP: Yeah, me neither. I was kinda scared to check tbh as you never know what shit you will find, but I'm so glad I did.


How did the poor thing not freeze during that time? I'm so glad you came along and checked the bag and found it.

OOP: I know, insane that it didn't. Obviously very glad it's ok, but yeah, crazy what it's little body tolerated and survived

Update - 1 day later

Hi all! Here is the promised update on the little hamster I rescued after being abandoned in the woods

🎀She🎀 is doing great. I made a little video compilation but I'm having issues uploading it, so here are some pics

I named her Bean because she is literally just a little bean

She spent all night running about and playing and exploring. She's in great health despite her 3 night, freezing cold ordeal. I'm pretty sure she's quite young!

She's bold, friendly and just the sweetest little hammy. I don't know how anyone could have done what they did to her.

I spent quite a bit of money sorting her the most optimal set up I could, for now! I'll add to it as the weeks go on

Long may Bean live and enjoy her new, warm, safe home for the rest of her little life

Pic of Bean gnawing

Pic of Bean in the food bowl



She's so lucky to have you now!


You are currently one of my favorite people in the world, not even exaggerating a little bit...

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.

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