Project Consultant Financial Controller (job offer)
- Age: 24
- Education: BSc Chemical Engineering Technology (ing.)
- Work experience : 1
- Civil status: Married
- Dependent people/children: 1 (wife)
- Sector/Industry: Consulting
- Amount of employees: ~35
- Multinational? No. However our company is part of a big group of companies. So holding is multinational.
- Current job title: Project Consultant Financial controller
- Job description: Assisting companies for brief periods (9-18 months) with analysis of their numbers, budgetting, forecasting,...
- Seniority: 0, 1 year of work experience in accounting before
- Official hours/week : 38
- Average real hours/week incl. overtime: 38
- Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): Flexible 9-5 (dependant on company/project)
- On-call duty: no
- Vacation days/year: 20 + 12 ADV
- Gross salary/month: 2700
- Net salary/month: 2500 incl netto compensation
- Mobility budget/car/bike/...: company car + fuel card
- 13th month (full? partial?): full
- Meal vouchers: 8/day
- Ecocheques: 250/year
- Group insurance: yes
- Other insurances: hospital insurance
- Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): no
- City/region of work: Companies on max 1 hour commute
- Distance home-work: 30-40 km max
- How do you commute? company car
- How is the travel home-work compensated: fuel card
- Telework days/week: dependant on company (project)
- How easily can you plan a day off: Don't know
- Is your job stressful? Don't know
- Responsible for personnel (reports): /
Hi all, I am getting my bachelors in engineering this summer, I work in an accounting firm (3/5) in the meantime and got this offer by a consulting company. Do you think it is worth the switch in career or should I consider a job in engineering first / going for my master? I don't know what the stress level will be as a financial controller, I find being a junior accountant already pretty stressful (it's in a KMO).
Thanks for the advice !