Hi there! My bf (34M) and I (30F) are both on the spectrum but present incredibly differently. I am more social and find that social interactions in certain circles bring me energy and he is 100% anti-social and is very quickly drained from social interaction. This does not upset or bother me at all until I am trying to make plans with my friends (maybe once every couple of months) and become disappointed when he never wants to do things I want to do. I try to make sure and spend most of our time together one on one and try to ensure he isn't being overstimulated or overwhelmed by whatever activity we are doing. Compromise is something he does not do easily and I understand it probably has to do with his diagnosis but it can be disheartening. We have been together for around 7 months and love each other very much. I want to learn how to love him better and be more understanding to how his diagnoses affect him. He also suffers from C-PTSD which has brought on challenges of its own. I really just want to show him how deserving he is of love and how deserving he is of someone wanting to truly understand who he really is and not just who he presents to the public. TIA! <3