We’ve turned on eachother.

Long time lovers turned to enemies because he can’t be emotionally intimate with me. He cannot give a compliment, express when something feels good, or reciprocate any like or feelings. This isn’t a quick fling, this is literally a lover of almost 20 years. At what point is he going to be open to what we are and allow feelings and emotions to flow naturally? Everything he does and says is completely calculated and he won’t compliment me, express desire, be present in the moment, or be verbally expressive when something feels good sexually. He’s just silent and doesn’t want to even discuss his likes, dislikes, what feels good. He has told me that he’s never had these feelings for anyone ever, that I feel better than anyone he’s ever been with, and that he tries to resist me because it’s all too good. He says that he has told me this and doesn’t need to say it again. But he’s completely silent during sex, runs away from me, and won’t say if something feels good. The last few times he’s even asked for me to not like the sex we just had. Like we are here FOR INTIMACY- what are you even doing here if you can’t be intimate? Mind blown.

I got completely fed up after our last few times together and we got in a huge fight about it, insulted him sexually (I feel it was deserved, now am I going to like someone sexually who I can’t be sexually close with) and he blocked me for the first time ever. I think we are officially over and I don’t want to be. I want him to be close to me. Like why is this so hard? He’s not a stranger, we’re not trying to be together, and we are a safe place for each other.

Why cant he be deep and openly expressive? Everything I’ve ever heard about Scorpio moons is not the case for him. He’s emotionally stunted.

Can someone look at our chart and give me the basics of what is going on here romantically? I will admit, my Virgo nitpicking got worse the more distant he became and the more nitpicked, the further he distanced. How can I repair this?

He’s red/outside.

Long time lovers turned to enemies because he can’t be emotionally intimate with me. He cannot give a compliment, express when something feels good, or reciprocate any like or feelings. This isn’t a quick fling, this is literally a lover of almost 20 years. At what point is he going to be open to what we are and allow feelings and emotions to flow naturally? Everything he does and says is completely calculated and he won’t compliment me, express desire, be present in the moment, or be verbally expressive when something feels good sexually. He’s just silent and doesn’t want to even discuss his likes, dislikes, what feels good. He has told me that he’s never had these feelings for anyone ever, that I feel better than anyone he’s ever been with, and that he tries to resist me because it’s all too good. He says that he has told me this and doesn’t need to say it again. But he’s completely silent during sex, runs away from me, and won’t say if something feels good. The last few times he’s even asked for me to not like the sex we just had. Like we are here FOR INTIMACY- what are you even doing here if you can’t be intimate? Mind blown.

I got completely fed up after our last few times together and we got in a huge fight about it, insulted him sexually (I feel it was deserved, now am I going to like someone sexually who I can’t be sexually close with) and he blocked me for the first time ever. I think we are officially over and I don’t want to be. I want him to be close to me. Like why is this so hard? He’s not a stranger, we’re not trying to be together, and we are a safe place for each other.

Why cant he be deep and openly expressive? Everything I’ve ever heard about Scorpio moons is not the case for him. He’s emotionally stunted.

Can someone look at our chart and give me the basics of what is going on here romantically? I will admit, my Virgo nitpicking got worse the more distant he became and the more nitpicked, the further he distanced. How can I repair this?

He’s red/outside.