An Honest Question for Trump/MAGA Supporters: Why the Division?

I want to ask you, from the heart—why are you so keen on division and chaos? Think back to the days before Trump, when it didn’t matter if you were red or blue, Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. We all just got along. No one cared about political labels in everyday life the way they do now.

But now, if we simply disagree with Trump or your party, you tell us to leave the country. You question our patriotism. You say you stand for freedom, liberty, and free speech, yet you try to silence dissenting voices. You want to dictate what is and isn’t acceptable, what is truth and what isn’t. But isn’t that the opposite of what America is supposed to be?

It wasn’t always like this. Something changed when Trump came down that escalator. The political landscape started crumbling, and instead of working to bridge the divide, the gap only widened. We tried to meet you halfway. We tried to extend an olive branch, to find common ground. But every time, you slapped it away, pushing rhetoric and division instead.

So I ask you do you truly believe politics is better today than it was from 1980 to 2012? Do you honestly think this country is stronger, more united, and more free? Or have we lost something along the way?