Where did the idea that Trump wants to take away our rights unless we are a straight white male come from?

Many people on social media say that the Trump victory will result in racial minorities, women, LGBTQ+, are going to lose their basic human rights, and anyone who voted for Trump voted against these people having basic human rights, and are using that to justify hating people who voted Trump.

I could not find any credible evidence that Trump actually intends to do these things though. From what I can gather, he only wants to leave abortion up to the states, so if you consider the right to abortion a basic human right, you are safe if you live in a blue state. And that he wants to mass-deport undocumented immigrants.

So how is this supposed to affect LGBTQ+ at all, or anyone of any race who is in the country legally, or women who are in blue states or women who do not plan to get an abortion?

So at worst, only non-citizens who did not go though the legal immigration process, and women in deep red states who want abortions may be affected. What is the deal with the blanket, 'anyone who is not straight white male is losing their rights?' Is there any direct quote from Trump or evidence that shows that he intends to do these things?