Anyone else SO tired of women being sexualized everywhere and it being thrown in our face constantly?

Hey, not sure if this is a good place for this vent/question but I’m just feeling really exhausted of half naked/full blown naked women thrown in my face. TV, movies, media. So frustrated by it. I mean, no wonder there’s such a lack of respect for women in relationships. All men (and women) see is naked women and girls everywhere. I was watching a movie with my fiancé and of course within the first ten minutes there’s a strip club scene with an extended lap dance. As if it added anything to the damn movie but breasts and butt. I just can’t anymore. Makes me so mad. Also makes me kind of insecure, not gonna lie. We also started a show, Landman, with Billy Bob Thornton recently. The way his wife and teenage daughter are portrayed is ridiculous. The relationship with the daughter is inappropriate to me. She talks in dirty detail about her sex life with the father. And the wife is a gold digging, drunk who uses sex to get what she wants. Anyone else seen that show? What on earth is going on? I’m sick of it.
I tried to discuss this with my fiancé and his solution was to turn off the movie cause I was “getting upset”. He doesn’t get it. I’m sure he sees nothing wrong with it which infuriates me. I’m venting but also want other adult women to chime in. I’m not typically insecure but I find as I get older and am raising a daughter of my own I’m more sensitive to this type of thing I guess. And there’s really no way to avoid it, it’s everywhere and I feel like is desensitizing us all. How do you guys feel about this stuff?