UPDATE : I found the love letter my husband’s student wrote him. Should I take it to the authorities?
Original post here ; https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/s/rVIbHXkaYN
I posted about two weeks back. I had to back to my ex husband’s city as per my lawyer’s suggestion. My mom and sister are living temporarily with me and we have rented an apartment.
Yesterday I went over to my old house that I shared with my ex to get some of my stuff. I texted him about it and he made sure he wasn’t there when I arrived. I collected all my stuff. Then I decided to look through his study. Yes, I know it’s snooping and it’s wrong but whatever. We I don’t know what I expected to find there but, lo and behold, I found the letter the student wrote to him. It was callously thrown in between some of his work files. I took a picture of the letter and came back.
I did read the letter, and it was nauseating to say the least. She’d written how she knew it was wrong and that he was married blah blah but she felt she had a ‘connection’ with him and that she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t tell him how she feels. That’s the gist but it basically goes on for 2 pages. That stupid girl even made sure to sign the letter lol.
The letter confirms few things;
My ex did NOT lie about there being no physical affair. Cause in the letter she was lamenting about the fact that she would love to jump his bones but the opportunity never presented.
He did stop interacting with her abruptly cause she was sad about that too.
He did lie to me about the letter. When I asked him all those months back, he told me he ‘got rid of the letter cause it was of no consequence’. He kept it in his study. A place where he only keeps the most important of his stuff. A place where even family pictures weren’t allowed cause they ‘can’t let him concentrate’. A place where even I wasn’t allowed when he was working.
Now that I have the letter, I have proof of the inappropriate conduct between a professor and a student. Last time I tried reporting, the authorities wanted proof. Now I have it. So I’m considering re-reporting the issue, with solid proof this time. I’m not gonna involve my friend Sarah in this cause she’s made it clear that she doesn’t want to be a part of this at all.
One part of me wants to report them and fuck them over but the other part just wants to let it go. Any advice on how to proceed?
Edit : I’m not gonna report them. It’s fine. I’ve decided to move on. I know people think I’ve been over reacting with the whole divorce thing and that my ex did nothing wrong, but I stand by what I’ve decided. He may not have had a physical affair, but he lied to me for three years. That’s something I can’t move on from.
Have I been acting a bit irrational and petty? Yes. I know that. I’m grieving. I’m sad. I know some people can not comprehend why I can’t be mature and why I’m being vengeful blah blah blah, I don’t know, maybe it’s the side effect of my entire life being uprooted. I was using Reddit as a source of venting, but I’ve realised that’s not a good idea because people are quick to label a woman insecure and petty and stupid while making excuses after excuses for a man.
I wish there was a better way to explain how I feel but I’m not good with words. This is my last update on this topic.