Stranger stalkers

Has anyone here ever had strangers become completely obsessed with you and end up cyberstalking you?

They feel rejected, that’s for sure because they created an imaginary relationship in their head with you that never ultimately played out in reality, that’s entirely on them. Not your fault they developed this fixation on you prior to ever actually meeting.

I have had it happening for years now. With my stalkers I think ultimately what it comes down to is mental illness. A mixture of pity, limerance, playing the victim, extreme delusions, personality disorder but ultimately some sort of mental illness.

What’s the matter with these people? Don’t they realise how deranged and pathetic they look when they won’t stop obsessing over someone they don’t even know? Probably more importantly someone who they know isn’t interested in them.

Creepiest thing is that it’s not always one person. Can be a whole group of them. Obsessing over you. It’s so weird. Problem is with the internet and social media they can try to keep up to date with what’s going on in your life. Secretly spying on you.

These situations are unfortunately quite common nowadays and many people can probably share similar stories of their situation.