How bad is having sex/dating a woman with "ugly" sexual features? What should I do as a woman with them?

Saggy boobs and long labia in particular. I don't mean boobs that are round with nipples pretty much perfectly centered but that slightly sag or sit lower on the chest (it's crazy to me that anyone would even call those saggy); I mean boobs that are not round, more U-shaped with low nipples (basically no underboob). And I don't mean labia that just like half an inch long and only slightly sticks out but still overall looks cute; I mean labia that literally hangs and looks like a wad of chewed-up gum. Like almost 2 inches on one side (because on top of being long they're also asymmetrical 😀 someone k*ll me already).

These aren't features you can tell a woman has (unless she goes braless I guess, but the only girls I see going braless have perfect, perky boobs so I doubt most women with saggy boobs would ever go braless) until she takes her clothes off. So how would you feel were you to encounter a woman with both of these?

Are these features something you can put up with just that one time, so you just have sex with her because you think that will avoid hurting her feelings? Are these features that basically relegate a woman to being used for sex by you (because you perceive her to be uglier and therefore desperate/easier)? Are these features something you can put up with in a relationship because it's just easier to stay with her than it is to go find someone new and go through the whole process of dating and getting to know another person all over again? Are these the types of features you can put up with for a while but would never want to marry someone that has them? If these are features you find attractive on some level, aren't they still lower on the totem pole than perfectly round, perky boobs and innies? For the very few men that actually find these features truly attractive, like more than other features, why? How can you find something attractive that you've been told is ugly repeatedly by others, society, etc.? Is it some sort of fetish and not a true, deeper attraction?

And yes before you say it I know I'm mentally ill. whatever. Knowing that doesn't stop me from thinking these things 24/7.

I have gotten to the point where my life feels quite numb, I don't really see a point in being a straight woman with romantic and sexual desires if my two most sexual and feminine features are ugly. So for a few months I have been thinking about going on a dating app and finding someone to start dating and eventually have sex with (to just rip the bandaid off), but I didn't really think it through. Now that that's happening I'm feeling 10x worse and more obsessive about this.

I've been going on dates with this guy for a month now and I like him, I'm not overly invested in him thankfully (like I have been with past crushes), and he seems sweet. So you'd think he'd be the perfect guy to do this with. But he's wayyyy too good looking for me. Like it's weird that he's into me. He's tall, works out every day, and literally has a perfect face. I know my face is nice enough but I'm definitely not on his level looks-wise. I'm a little chubby (and I'm sure he can see that) but the worst part is that I look so fucking ugly naked. There's no way for him to know that just by looking at me clothed and idk if I could emotionally take him seeing me naked and being visibly disappointed. Not even because his opinion in particular matters so much but rather because it would be concrete confirmation that everything I've thought about myself for years (almost a decade now 🤣🤣🤣) is true. He probably thinks I'll look ok naked because my boobs look nice and perfectly round in a bra. But little does he know..😀😀😀

Also sex to me seems like the most intimate and vulnerable thing you could physically do (at least as a woman). So it's one of my worst fears to have a man inside me that does not actually find me attractive.

When the time comes, should I just warn him like a few days before that I'm ugly naked so that he has a while to think about it (as opposed to telling him right before - obviously if you do that he's just going to pretend to be fine with it & proceed because in his mind he's "already come this far, might as well get some sex out of it")? Should I ask him if maybe we could just be naked and only do oral the first time so that he really gets a good idea of what I look like before agreeing to have actual sex another time (only if he actually finds me attractive)?

I really hate my body. I don't think I can feel ok during sex (or even being naked, period) until I get surgery to fix this. I hate it here