What is the thing that helped you the most to stay calm and collected and not lose your temper over every inconvenience you encounter throughout the week?

I admit that I'm a very anxious person who tends to overanalyze things that happen throughout the day. For example, the train having constant delays when we need it to function properly, the teacher not explaining anything, the endless rage bait posts on Instagram and TikTok, or knowing that in 2025, some people still hold the most backward mentalities on important topics and normalize obviously immoral behavior (for example bullying (not just as a joke but outright bullying) or extreme p@_litical or r@ligious views).

Many times, I catch myself getting furious, arguing in multiple comment sections, or debating these things in real life with my parents or classmates. I feel like I’m wasting my time, even though I realize that whenever I hear something triggering, it’s incredibly hard to hold back and remain completely neutral.

I want to control this. I’m 20, and I know this is a time of discovering the world and forming my own ideas, but I also want to manage my reactions better and avoid being consumed by pointless things. I figured this subreddit might be the right place to ask since you guys are older and have a different perspective on life and others .