Want to start a group for young men 18-29, specifically those who identify as incels, red pill, etc. Advise needed.

Advice* god damn it.

Hello Everyone,

So my second son was just born. While holding him I realized what I have always known that I needed to do.

I sent off this letter to my local church about what I would like to do.

“I am not a therapist, and would not claim to be one. However I have a masters in psychology, I am autistic, and most importantly, I was an incel before it had a term back in 2006. I would have been a red piller. I was the video game addict failing out of college(world of Warcraft). I have been the guy who is so depressed that taking a shower felt like a victory. I have been the young man raging against where I saw the world going, and I have largely been spot on with what is happening to young men right now.

18 years later I am married, house, two children, employed and a productive member of society.

I would like to work with the church to create a space where young men, probably 18-29 can have a positive male role model, 100% in person. Where they be heard, and have their problems taken seriously without defaulting to treating them as outcasts. That not being “PC” won’t result in immediate expulsion. A place where you CAN say the “wrong” thing, or ask the questions without fear.

Specifically I want to work with young men who have lost their way and fallen into worrisome ideologies like the man-o-sphere, red pill, incels. Those who have been thoroughly rejected by society. I want to specifically make it clear that they know they are seen and valued. I have no desire to “convert them” to any ideology, but be a place where they can go for answers that isnt trying to sell them something.

My goal is that over the next 10-20 years we foster an environment of embracing masculinity in a positive light so that when my boys are old enough, or should I pass before then, they have a place they can go.

This would not be a faith based approach, the focus would just be on community and would be open to anyone who wishes to attend.“

So I would like to ask this community. If you heard about such a group, what would be your fears? What could be said to help you feel comfortable attending. What could I say to make it clear you are valued, won’t be chastised for your views, but welcomed.

Aiming for a group of maybe 3-5 at a time max. Any larger and the individual gets lost.

Thank you all in advance for your feedback.