Looking for the name of that connector
Greetings! I am very good with a soldering iron, but terrible at diagnosing anything in a circuit board, except when the damage is evident.
Well, i was given a task by a fellow farmer friend, looks like one of their dogs decided to decimate a few power connectors off a PCB they had lying around.
This pcb is used to monitor the milking robots and other stuff i am not too familiar with.
Anyways, the damage is pretty evident on the card, i know how to remove the component and how to solder one back on, however, what I do not know, is the name of the component so i can actually order one !
Hopefully one of you guys can help me with this!
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me help this farmer.
The image shows one of the intact ports, but if you really insist, i can provide a picture of the destroyed component.
The power connector is around 12mm high, 11.5mm large and 8mm thick.
Greetings! I am very good with a soldering iron, but terrible at diagnosing anything in a circuit board, except when the damage is evident.
Well, i was given a task by a fellow farmer friend, looks like one of their dogs decided to decimate a few power connectors off a PCB they had lying around.
This pcb is used to monitor the milking robots and other stuff i am not too familiar with.
Anyways, the damage is pretty evident on the card, i know how to remove the component and how to solder one back on, however, what I do not know, is the name of the component so i can actually order one !
Hopefully one of you guys can help me with this!
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me help this farmer.
The image shows one of the intact ports, but if you really insist, i can provide a picture of the destroyed component.
The power connector is around 12mm high, 11.5mm large and 8mm thick.