I ask this to liberals who want a gun ban?
I understand the why, gun violence is terrible, and lost sone close to my families church in the collierville TN kroger shooting. But I dont believe the solution to mass violence is taking away a tool. People who are mad and mentally struggling will still do what they want. And find whatever tool they can. Now maybe guns are easy to access, but so are cars, bleach & salt & blastcaps&ball bearings, hammers and machetes. I feel like we should be more upset at the system that is leaving these people out to feel this bad. Leaving people out dry. When someone is neglected at home and in society of course they will harbor hate. But some take it out on society instead of seeking help.
I feel like as a country we need more mental health care and socialized health care more than anything. I read a study stating the way we deal with health care now is more expensive than just setting up laws to make medcine cheaper and setting up a free health care system.
Im getting to into the weeds here. I just want to say, those who want to ban guns out right or not carry one, Why do you trust the people who off'd MLK and hid it. More than yourself?
I think a lot of us right and left agree about the issues more or less and really just want to see good change. Here are some ideas I have pulled from talking with a few people.
-Mental health check before gun purchase
-Mandatory Training to cement how to use their gun, and how to be safe with it.
-Having Government/industry rated safes that are hard to break into or remove. Similar to DOT motorcycle helmets
-Having easier to access and free mental and physical health care systems across the nation.
-For gang issues and inner city violence I proposed federal subsidization allowing places like memphis to have better looking and in general better schools. better tools to learn with like nicer laptops. (My whole idea here is creating opportunity for those who don't think they have it. Which happens to be a lot of people sadly)
-Banning pistols. Or restricting the manufacture or purchase of handguns for civilians. This is to attempt to cut down on gang violence. And the idea behind it is, one they are used a lot in gang violence. And two they are very portable. And in a tense situation a pistol may be used although it never shouldve because of its assecablity. (I love my handguns but its fair, and may be hard to actually enforce and crack down on as well, depending on what stipulations and rulings surround it)
Im not the smartest, but I feel like these are all pretty solid and reasonable changes.