
So I was in arranged marriage search since I was 27. Now today I turn 33. My 205th match ghosted me like others. I did everything, got a better job, became more extroverted, hygienic, got some muscles, went to toastmasters to learn to talk to women. Yep. No success whatsoever. Women are like the aliens who were programmed to ghost me is what I feel now. All these search made me detached. I lost the desire of a woman entirely. I’m all by myself. No friends. No romantic prospects. I’m the dead end. Apparently being an only child is such a deal breaker for most of the girls. Insane. That’s it guys, won’t bother y’all with my rant more. Quitting this search. Selling my houses off. Going to temple to sleep in the streets hoping a truck would hit me now. Thanks and see y’all!

Edit: didn’t expect this to blow up. Thank you all for the wonderful comments and DMs. ❤️❤️ Will delay the above dramatic fate for another 4-5 years and will try. Thanks once again 🙏🏼