Bloodworms alive in Sparkling Gourami 5 Days after eating it.

Ok so this is kind of graphic so if you dont wan‘t to read it don‘t :). 5 Days ago I fed my Sparkling Gouramis live bloodworms and they seemed to like it. Only one of them didn‘t eat any. Both that ate the Bloodworms have died until now and I have had thought they had some swimbladder related problem according to their behaviour. Optically they didn‘t show any signs of illness. Just now I had to euthanize one of them by squashing them outside and he sadly passed away two live Bloodworms appeared on the stone slate. The one that didnt eat them seems stressed but doesn’t show the same behaviour as the dead ones. Did the Bloodworms go undigested? Did they die from something else and it was just random that the Bloodworms were there? Kinda worried so any help is appreciated ://