Chest pains and left arm pain

So I’ve had some horrific heart palpitations over the past few weeks, been waking me up in the night and multiple trips to the ER.

Was in hospital all night last night, had no sleep, they did and ecg and blood test for my enzymes and they said I’m fine. It’s anxiety.

But this morning despite not being anxious my blood pressure is elevated, my chest still hurts and I have this numbness in my fingers and arms radiating from my chest which I’ve never had.

I really don’t know what to do, part of me thinks I should be safe and get checked out but then I’m putting myself at risk of further heart issues through sleep deprivation and more stress. It’s effecting my family too as they are losing sleep over it as well and I’m just prolonging the anxiety rather than coping with it.

But then what if it is serious? Idk what to do, like if something is really happening to me am I supposed to just refuse it’s happening because I suffer with anxiety and it’s just anxiety then it’s too late?

So it’s such a hard situation, either don’t give into my anxiety and potentially put myself in danger or get checked out, be safe and feed my anxiety further.

I’m not that satisfied with the check up because the doctor almost just brushed me off because I’m not at risk due to my age but being sleep deprived and stressed 24/7 surely puts me at some sort of risk and also there were no scans to rule out any kind of physical issue.

Idk what to do