Left Side Abdominal Pain Daily Around the Same Time. Is Anxiety the Cause?

So, in short, I have been having chronic left side abdominal pain under my ribcage. I am a 27-year-old female. This issue has been going on for roughly 2 years. I have had 2 colonoscopies, several MRI's, CT scans, and blood work. Everything comes back normal besides being thrown under the ibs umbrella. I have tried changing my diet, exercise, etc. Nothing seems to alleviate the issue besides laying down on my back or left side, with a heating pad. Even then I am basically down and out for the rest of the day when it starts. It usually starts in the evenings around 4p.m. The issue is partially running my life. It feels like my life is on pause...

At a young age I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and ADHD. I have never been able to handle stress well... I live in a constant state of anxiety/stress, and I am unsure If I even know what it's like to not be anxious or stressed. My main point is, I am wondering if anyone has experienced symptoms or issues like mine, and if anyone has had a fix or has some sort of ideas on what I should do. I have basically exhausted most avenues and I am tired of seeing doctors... (was basically seeing doctors several times a month with no real fix but medications that didn't work... I also do not do well taking medication due to my anxiety. I have a bad habit of gaging and feeling the need to make myself throw pills up...)

These symptoms started during a stressful period in my life and have not alleviated since. I had gotten a really bad fever, then my husband lost his job...then from there it was this daily pain. The pain feels like muscle spasms, mixed with dull ache, or sharp pain. Am i trapped in an eternal fight or flight mode? Emphasis on fight lol...

Any sort of feedback or ideas on what I should do to try and alleviate the issue would be lovely and highly appreciated. This cycle going on 2 years needs breaking... Sorry for the poor formatting. I don't usually type up stuff like this often.