Not sure what to think of these lipid results. Doctor doesn't feel like going into depth about it with me.

Hey all,

so recently I got my bloodwork done and these were the results;

Kreatinine: 112 (H) µmol/L
eGFR  (CKD-EPI): 74 mL/Min
GGT: 39 U\L (was 8 two years ago when keto)
AST: 26 U\L (was 21 two years ago when keto)
ALT: 38 U\L (was 23 two years ago when keto)
Cholesterol-HDL ratio: 6.7
Cholesterol: 6.8 (H) mmol/l
HDL: 1.01 mmol/l
LDL: (H) 5.0 mmol/l
Triglycerides: 1.7 mmol/l

My doctor really just says my cholesterol is too high and wants something done about it. I've been doing mainly animal based for 10 months now. I was keto before this for quite a few years. Unfortunately didn't check my cholesterol levels when I was keto, as I wasn't too much into checking bloodwork back then.

I've been hearing a lot about cholesterol lately and I'm still trying to learn more about it. I'm curious what you guys' view is on these levels., and if you can help enlighten me a bit on this topic.

My diet really looks like this: A lot of dairy (yoghurt, HWC), blueberries, honey, banana's, a minimum of 300 gr of ground beef per day, cheese, kefir. Occasionally I might eat some potato's or something like that - but only occasionally.

I eat around 3000kcal's per day, with around 200 grams of fat, 200 grams protein and around 130 to 150 grams of carbs. I'm 1.90m tall, 88kg, slim.

I keep hearing that high cholesterol is quite 'normal' on diets such as AB, keto or carnivore, but I'm not sure I understand why (yet). Curious to learn more about this.

Thanks in advance!