Iron Deficient/ Copper Miracle?
Female, age 28..Okay, so I believe I've been anemic (Technically iron deficient) for a verrry long time but just thought being tired, cold, depressed, anxious, and pale was normal for me.
Symptoms: After my symtoms took a dive 2 months ago I got bad insomnia, restless legs, dizzy, palpitations, have dents on my thumbnails, scalloped tongue, pale eyelids, lips, and skin, extreme anxiety, feelings that I was going to die, fatigue, muscle soreness, dry eyes, sore tongue, yellowed skin, more hair loss, extreme air hunger, tingling extremities, cravings for roast beef, darkening teeth, bruises under eyes, heavy legs uphill, waking up at 2 to 3am, always thirsty, and even more symptoms.
Cause: I then had a suspicion of parasites: did a cleanse. Yes, I did find stuff. Have diet low on liver but very high in animal proteins, I work out very hard (when I could) and used the sauna and sweat a lot. Also supplemented ascorbic acid.
After taking Iron I was feeling worse. Like way worse.. I ate liver everyday and was taking standard process ferrofood approx 30 mg a day.
Then I happened across a video by Dr. Berg called Copper deficiency.
Watch these videos for info. I want to get your logical opinions and theories.
And a protocol note I found stated: You're not iron deficient, you're copper deficient
It states: Copper will unbind iron in the organs and get it to where it needs to be (I'm no doctor, my re-explanation lacks scientific wordage)
Signs of copper deficiency I have: Anemia Sway back (aka bad lower back posture) Feel like I can't walk straight Sore joints Varicose veins behind knees Weird gray hairs appearing Muscle weakness My joints are destroyed
What causes low copper that I have done? Standard american diet Depleted soil due to modern farming High Zinc supplementation Ascorbic Acid supplements Lack of liver in diet or other copper foods
I am now taking 2mg of copper twice a day to see if things improve. I know this stuff takes time but I've only taken it for a day and my anemia actually seems better and I feel like I have very clear vision? I can be optimistic at times so will have to keep experimenting.
I have no insurance and can't afford a doc. I want to save up to get blood tests to check copper as you can get copper toxicity but I'm desperate here. Lately, I can only lay around and I had to quit my job due to anxiety feeling like I was going to die.
Still, I'm optimistic.
Has anyone experienced reversal of anemia via copper supplementation? I know some protocols swear by it and insist that iron overload and copper deficiency is a more common cause of anemia.
My hemo was 14,, my ferretin, No idea. Hope to know one day.
Edit: I underatand that this is very controversial. So far day 14, I feel a world of better. I stopped taking iron, I started vit A, bee pollen, sauna, taurine, COPPER bisglycinate and more. I used to not be able to really leave the house. Yesterday, I went for a walk 8000 steps. Up hill, no pounding legs, no passing out. I could breathe! I am so happy because I think I can work again. I've got a ways to go and to be honest the first week of adjustment was HELL but each day I get better and better. I can't wait to be able to workout again.
Check out the RCP protocol, get the free download and devour the content. Really understand what their saying, dont let bias get in the way and if you still disagree after understanding the basis, no harm done but I'm convinced now that Iron overload and copper deficiency is causing us to get sick. Iron needs copper to regulate.
If you disagree, be respectful and state your case. Leave out the emotions unless you have something kind to share.
DAY 18
I feel so much more peaceful, dare I say almost normal with the occasional flare of dizziness for a few minutes, some fatigue, and for moments anxiety but my heart is no longer jumping out of my chest. I am not confined to a couch all day. I am starting a new job soon and Im not afraid of crashing or struggling with energy. I have excellent digestion now too. Was feeling very bloated. I can take in air and it reaches the bottom of my lungs. And I wake up feeling rested! Wow. I have followed tbe RCP protocol to a T. Don't just do the copper alone.
Alright, update. I am working at CAT assembling engines. I have been told I am 'running circles' around some of the boys. Love the job. I do get dizzy from standing up fast but not to where I was going to pass out like 2 months ago. I have slept well consecutively for 2 weeks. Which never happens for me ever. I do have muscle weakness but that could be because I haven't been able to workout for almost a year due to anemia. Literally couldn't walk steps. Went too fast in on protocol and got bad stomach pain. Backed off and listened to them say to go verrrry slowly and I'm good. Also was able to donate blood. That is a very difficult thing for me. I always pass out on blood draws but this time I did not! So glad.
I still have a lomg way to go. Still cold hands and feet and other health things.