Biggest MASSIVE hidden gem games you've somehow always missed or judged by the cover?
I'm personally a fan of more in depth, almost console level mobile games, things like arena breakout, cod mobile, total war, Albion online, eve echoes
And literally 2 of those(Albion and Eve echoes) I've been missing for YEARS and I'm pissed at myself for dismissing them as "oh just another galaxy on fire" or "oh just another p2w arpg clone"
Come to find out they are expensive massive mmos that are now two of my favorite games
I also dismissed arena breakout as another crappy multiplayer shooter and it's a dope extract looter, a type of fps I've never tried before
I'm wondering, what other games are like that that I might be missing, or games that you guys slept on until you realized it was something completely different than you thought