Ended my shift early

For the first time in nearly 4 years, I ended a shift early due to my safety. Early morning shift in a small city. First, I kept having to go to apartment buildings with no code and no other way in (sorry, I refuse to call a customer at 4 am 🤣).

And then I noticed the car behind me. I started driving around city blocks to confirm my suspicions and after a few minutes felt certain I was being followed. And at 4:30 am in a small city that is so-so for safety, I called support and got tf out of there.

While I feel bad the 12 deliveries I had left didn’t wake up to their packages, I like living.

Note- make sure to call support if you have a safety issue. I lucked out with the woman who answered, she claims she will escalate my issue and my standing won’t be affected.

Stay safe out there!