Fucking Amazon workers.

So today I had a block at 4am. I get to the warehouse at 350 and go to check checked in. The girl scanning the license scans it, and it gives her an error, so she scans it again and it gives her the error. She talks on her walkie talkie and says “I have another one with an error issue” and then tells me to go to exemptions.

I drive over and some dude walks up to me and tell me to go into my internet settings, he tells me to hook up to the Amazon wifi and I do. Then he tells me to close the app and open it. I do. The app just says “check in (so basically asking for the license to be scanned)”. He sees the screen and he says “there’s nothing I can do you gotta call support. We’re having issues scanning people in, I think it’s our wifi.”

So I walk over to my cat and call support. This girl answers and she has a thick accent. I explain what’s going on and she says “okay just wait 20 minutes and if no routes are assigned then you can just go home”.

So I know she’s blowing me off because they usually do something and my app will refresh and say “no available routes”. So I tell her I want to make sure she notates or does something so I don’t have to keep emailing support for my pay.

She’s like okay, and about 3 seconds go by and she’s like you’re good to go now have a nice day and hangs up. I know she’s didn’t do shit cuz that was waaay too fast. So I get on with chat just so I can have a record of what’s going on, I’m thinking I’ll save the screen shots and have proof.

The dude on chat asks me what’s up and I tell him about the warehouse having issues checking in. At this point there’s about 4/5 cars calling support. So the guy on chat is like, well they need to release you by selecting no available routes and then scanning your code. So I say ok thank you.

I walk to another guy at the warehouse and he asks me if I’m having issues too so I tell him yea. He asks for my id and I give it to him and all he does is manually enter my license number and lo’ and behold it fucking works.

At this point it’s 420, and I get my cart. Which the first stop is 55 minutes away. The cart has 49 packages and I’m like fuck ok whatever. I do my route and finish 40 minutes early but 55 mins away from home.

I get it, it must suck working for Amazon. But it’s like none of these people know how to do their job or are too stupid to do it. Like it’s frustrating that I have to go and try and get some type of proof that it’s not my issue happening. And then everyone else just blows you off or give you wrong info. The solutions was so easy but Amazon doesn’t train their people, and these people get upset that they have to let us go with pay, like the money is coming out of their pockets so they just blow us off to support which have no idea what to do or they do and act stupid.

Just a shitty experience today.