AIO over being told I should use Google instead of asking him questions? Is it actually annoying to do this?
Hey guys, I've (26F) been seeing this guy (24M) for awhile. Nothing official, but it's been really great so far until he told me this. To me it feels like a red flag to say this, but I'm not to sure if I'm overreacting. For further context, his African American and I'm Mexican American. Also, I've dated outside my community before, but he hasn't. They were Indian so I had a lot of questions about their culture, but I never got shit for it.
As we texted I was looking at the difference between stitch braids and cornrows since he got his hair done like this recently, but I still asked him questions out of confusion but also to keep the conversation going since we don't talk to each other too often. Usually it's the basic questions, but sometimes we get to have an actual conversation about random stuff. Usually it goes well, but this time, it feels like my efforts in trying to connect is unappreciated.
But I think what bothers me the most is that I recently told him that I wanted to go back to school to learn linguistics. But he said that was cool as long as long as I do something with that knowledge. It felt weird to me. Knowledge is knowledge even if I don't make something of it. Yet the moment I ask him questions, it's ask Google. Am I overreacting to this? Or am I genuinely being annoying?