Great game, will play again
8/10 at least. [Seems like alot of us beat this game this week.]
As a 42 year old with kids. I would absolutely play through it again.
It wasn't with out some hiccups but outside my R1 and L1 being slow during slow mo I wasn't annoyed with anything that long.
Yall never mention how effective the night vision Goggles are.
Tekker is absolutely the worst class, I would change my mind if hacking was a command point instead of a wrench for the class. A medic with smart ass literally made this class obsolete.
Medic doesn't get the love it deserves.
Recon sniper is great in the beginning for sniping but later stages it's night vision where they shine. Maps become really cramped for recon to be amazing
Gunner is the best all around, the Supression fire upgrade is OP, so is kill that bustard upgrade with flare.
Sargent is absolutely over powered compared to the others.
Only 1 death on the first queen, sort of wished I saved scummed it.
Personality traits do those only take effect when they are stressed, or is it a perms debuff?