So tired of being let down

Im 19 and my mom is an alcoholic.

Every time during the last year we have something planned she goes and drinks and ruins everything. I’m so tired of it and it makes me so sad and miserable. Even if she’s not there she finds a way to ruin it, like I was on vacation in the summer and she called me many times drunk outta her mind saying bad things.

Tonight just really gets to me. I moved here to be with her and get my life together. My favourite hockey team since I was a little kid is in town, I’ve never been able to go to a game since it’s so expensive back home but here it’s so much cheaper and I’m now an adult with some money, we planned for months to go. I was so excited I got ready and just before we go to leave I find out she’s hammered! And then she offers to drive me after seeing how upset I was when she was drunk. I don’t know if I’m more disappointed in not going or her wanting to drive, drunk, with no license after her DUI.

And the gaslighting and lying! I’m just mean assuming she’s drunk, I can’t believe she really thinks she’s acting sober. I’ve lived with her almost my whole life I can tell when your sober or drunk😠

She got a dui and decided to get sober. She was sober for a few weeks and now we’re back to this😔