Wife Drank Again - Need to Vent
Just venting here.
My wife drank last week after 4 months sober. She has been struggling to stay sober for over two years. I've had to put up stronger boundaries as time goes on. I am now at the point when she's drinking and lying, she has to leave the house. And the lying has been chronic.
It's empowering to enforce my boundaries. And it's absolutely necessary. I've been doing great at taking care of myself and prioritizing my mental health.
All that's great. But once the dust settles I am alone and Married to someone I have to push out of my life every few months - just to keep my head above water.
You can't say she's hasn't been trying. She's been actively in recovery programs, AA, sober living, ECT.
It's just exhausting to have so much uncertainty. To not know if we even have a future and to have no trust. I just don't know how much longer I can do this. 😔