All I wanted was help with my PTSD.

AGR finding it impossible to get help for PTSD now that I've transitioned from active duty into a different career field in the guard.

On active duty I was an RPA pilot for 8 years, eventually always stressed and burned out. I thought the answer to all of my problems was to separate and cross train in the guard. (still want those sweet active benefits)

Well I did and moved across the country with my family.

4 years later I feel more isolated than ever since my guard wing is not combat related.

I crossed trained to a new career field (non-combat related) and have been on active orders since. Everything was going well until it didn't.

I felt more stressed than ever, always on edge, and more short with my kids than ever. Even though my job felt like nothing.

It simply wasn't me or who I wanted to be. It sucks.

I spoke to my wife and decided to seek help with our base mental health (a heavy TFI relationship), but to no avail since my guard wing does not have a combat mission.

My two greatest moments with the MH therapist:

1# me - "I've killed and watched a a lot of people die, I have no idea how I'm supposed to feel or tell my kids if they ever ask one day" Him - "Well it's not like you were just walking down the street taking people out."

2 He "jokingly" told me to leave my wife and kids to reduce the stress at home. After him, no other therapists are qualified for trauma on base.

So I contested our relationship and got a referral off base.

I thought I was finally on the right track to success!

HOWEVER, my referral ended up coming down to a homeless and substance abuse clinic... Not at all certified for PTSD.

I've spent hours calling combat PTSD docs in my area, and while they all accept Tricare, none are officially in network. Since I'm on prime, Tricare says it has to be in network.

It was so much work to ask for help in the first place. I feel so deflated.

If anyone has been through a similar circumstance and has any pointers, please let me know!