Aimer on Vinyl?

So I've been a fan of Aimer and her incredible music all throughout my high school and college days, but I've only recently gotten into vinyl as a medium. I know that Walpurgis is on vinyl, and I will absolutely be getting that at some point hopefully soon given that she is my favorite Japanese artist. But the part that bugs me is that none of her other albums have ever been released on vinyl, and I've always wanted more of her stuff in that format - especially Daydream.

Granted, I'm in the US - maybe the culture and demand around vinyl is different between here and Japan, meaning that the market might not be as big. CD's might still be the more prominent physical media format there and so vinyls may not be as worthy to make. But I learned the other day that Zankyousanka just got a vinyl release, which begs the question: can SME Japan/SACRA Music just release the rest of her catalog on vinyl please?

If this is going to be an ongoing trend that her new stuff should be printed as LP's, why not at the very least release the other albums this way too? This especially makes sense given how she's at the top of the Billboard charts right now AND it's her 10th anniversary this year. Would this be a cashgrab move by the label to take advantage of her popularity to sell records from years ago? Totally. Would I care? Absolutely not! Her music is honestly wonderful in so many ways and I think after such a great career and all that she's done to bring joy to listeners across the world, she very much deserves that treatment.

What are people's thoughts? I hope you're all having a great day/night and are taking care of yourselves! 🥰