My Mom's Pregnant, and I Absolutely Hate It

I'm 16F, and my parents announced in christmas night family party that my mom is pregnant. I’m really angry about it. They had asked me before what I thought about having a little sibling, and I told them I didn’t like the idea . I wanted to stay an only child. But they went ahead and got pregnant anyway.

When they told me, I got so angry that I cried and stopped talking to them. They keep saying I’m overreacting and that having another baby won’t change how much they love me, but I don’t believe them. I even complain to grandpa and grandma and they said little siblings are nice, and I’ll learn to share the love. They also told me that I’ll always be their favorite grandbaby , but I just don’t want this baby to be born. What if my parents pay more attention to the baby and ignore me?

For context, my parents got divorced in October 2023 because my dad is very controlling. He wouldn’t let my mom go out much and get angry when she went out without telling him , and she should only go out anywhere with him n even threatened her during their fights in their bedroom (I overheard them). My mom finally divorced him, but they got back together in July2024 after only 9 month apart. While they were separated, my mom got a new boyfriend and even my dad got a new girlfriend but my cousin told me my dad fought and beat up my mom’s boyfriend badly at a party, and he had to pay money to bail out . I'm sure my dad was just jealous that's how he is. But he's not like that to me I can go anywhere I want .He does love mom but he's just abit you know kind of crazy type .

When they got back together, I was actually happy because I thought things would go back to normal, just the three of us. But now this pregnancy news has completely ruined it for me. Why did my mom have to get pregnant? We were fine for 16 years just the three of us . My dad n mom are so happy for the baby and buying things for the coming baby and making the baby room next to mine , ewww i hate it . Each day thinking about it makes me want to cry . I need help ahhhhhh