Everyone is saying my standards are too high and I should lower them (F25)
I left my boyfriend because he cheated on me. I’m venting to my friends and family. So I want to get married. I don’t want to be single forever. I really want a husband and a family one day and that’s just my life goal
I want a man that doesn’t smoke or drink or have any negative addiction. I want a man that can financially provide for me and a family so if I wanted to work, it would be optional and not be a necessity so I can focus on being at home with the kids. I want a good man with good morals. A family man that comes from a good family background. I want a loyal man. I don’t really care about height, I just prefer a man to be taller than me which isn’t hard since I’m 5’2 and literally everyone is taller than me both men and women so physical characteristics haven’t really been an issue with me. It’s really the boys personality that’s been the issue. It’s hard finding a good man especially at my age. I feel like I need to find a 50 year old man to find what I’m looking for which is sad.. men in their 20s-30s are just so immature
To me I think these are normal standards but my friends and family are reminding me that I’m turning 26 years old next month and I don’t have room to be picky anymore because I’m aging and I don’t have that many options left at my age like I did 6 years ago. They basically told me I need to settle
Are they right? I don’t want to continue being so picky and then I end up alone with cats or something just because I was too picky and couldn’t settle or make a compromise. I just know so many older women that are single and I really don’t want that for me. I would really like to be married and have children and I don’t want to wait until I’m old for all of that
Edit to add: I should have clarified I don’t mind social drinking. I’m just traumatized by alcoholics. I have a lot of people I know that are alcoholics and my ex tried to come out of his alcohol problem and couldn’t so I don’t wanna deal with a man that drinks too much. You just end up in toxic relationship with a person with addiction that doesn’t wanna be fixed and it becomes a lot. I just don’t wanna deal with someone that drinks too much or has any negative addiction. I don’t mind if if it’s sometimes but if I see a pattern with the drinking then I don’t want anything to do with him. I think socially drinking is fine, drinking wine is fine, if they drink once in a blue moon I’m okay with it.